The Keyboard Athlete exists as a resource hub for digital workers–especially those who type a LOT on any given day.

This site brings together effective working habits and efficient keyboard navigation, combined with the odd lifestyle/opinion posts on other wellbeing aspects of being a keyboardist, to form a robust collection of content, all with the aim of making your keyboarding life more pleasant, productive, and proactive.

As should be obvious already, I (Odelia) classify myself as a keyboard athlete. Probably the first one to claim the name, but definitely not the only one.

I write and teach for a living and for life, finding my fingers clacking away on plastic alphabets and numbers more often than not. Sometimes I code. Sometimes I type long emails. Other times I do design stuff, mix music, edit books, and yes, run a random YouTube search. So this project of gathering and creating the best content for fellow keyboardists really stems more from a selfish motive than not. But you’re more than welcome to share in the bounty as I build my library! Shoot me an email if you’ve any comments, questions, or suggestions to share, or if you’d like to work with me.

Glad to have you here!