We’re athletes at the keyboard.

We type a lot. Our fingers move at lighting speed with 100% accuracy all day and night long (we hope)–but that’s not the only part of our bodies involved. What about our overall posture, and our strength or endurance as we sit/stand/lie working in front of our screens?

Rest Your Eyes

Adopting the 20/20 Rule The 20/20 rule is a simple yet effective method for taking care of your eyes during long periods of screen time. Every 20 minutes, take a short break to look at something at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Though it seems minor, this can significantly reduce ocular strain. For more (official) information on this, check out this guide to “Working with display screen equipment”.

Embrace Ergonomics

  • An ergonomic keyboard and mouse are crucial tools, significantly reducing the risk of carpal tunnel syndrome and other stress-related injuries.
  • Rather than using a laptop’s keyboard for an extended period, always opt for the ergonomic alternative.
  • Prop your laptop up so that it sits at eye level, keeping your neck and spine aligned.
  • Your ergonomic keyboard should also be at your arm’s level for optimal comfort.

Additionally, modifying your workspace can also promote healthier postures. Consider investing in an adjustable desk that can be raised and lowered at will for a smoother transition between sitting and standing throughout your workday.

Physical Exercise

Boost your health and productivity with these strategies:

  • Take regular workout breaks during your workday, doing something as simple as a short walk, a quick run, or light exercises. This action encourages blood flow in your muscles. (For more excercise ideas, explore this guide from NHS.)
  • Lift weights to strengthen your back and improve your posture. 
  • Bump up your step count to avoid extended periods of sitting or screen time.
  • Practice relaxing exercises such as yoga or light stretching to wind down after a long workday.

Healthy Diet & Hydration

A balanced diet can prevent energy level crashes, inflammation, and many other health issues. Proper hydration plays a similar role, enhancing your overall health and wellbeing.

Adequate Rest

Proper sleep is the basic building block for maintaining physical health, mental alertness, and overall productivity. Ensuring a regular and adequate sleep schedule can prevent burnout and many other health issues .

Learn From Professionals & Communities

All that to say? Give yourself a quick check-up on the general wellbeing of your digital athleticism, and get your whole body involved in becoming the best keyboarder you can be.